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Empowering hospitals around the globe by providing free access to cutting-edge AI tools.

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Portrait of Dr. Luz Fernanda Sua Villegas
For patients with breast cancer, learning about the pathology can help them regain control of their lives, especially when they are shown the hopeful data of healing and recovery. Dr. Luz Fernanda Sua Villegas, MD, PhD
Fundación Valle del Lili
Portrait of Dr. Grasiela Benini
The implementation of AI in Hospital Santa Marcelina is the pilot for the understanding of the benefits and difficulties of a risk-based screening program vs. a traditional age-based program. Our goal is to have a risk-based screening program available to all Public Health patients in Brazil. Our journey is just starting! Dr. Grasiela Benini, MD
Head of Mastology & Mastology Residency Program Coordinator
Santa Marcelina Hospital
Headshot of Dr. Arnaldo Marin
In Chile, there are no cancer screening policies as defined by the WHO, only recommendations and for some types of cancers, financial coverage for the population. Therefore, there are tremendous opportunities regarding cancer prevention and early detection, especially for lower income people. Dr. Arnaldo Marín
PhD Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic and Clinical Oncology
University of Chile

MIT Jameel Clinic believes that AI presents a powerful opportunity to tackle challenges faced by health care systems worldwide.

With the support of Wellcome Trust, MIT Jameel Clinic is teaming up with hospitals around the globe to bring AI into mainstream healthcare.

In providing free access to an array of cutting-edge AI tools, we hope to contribute the unique expertise of Jameel Clinic researchers to empower healthcare systems by accelerating the mainstream usage of AI tools on a global scale.

We are learning from large scale deployment and assessing the impact of AI by collaborating closely with clinicians and measuring patient outcomes.


Regina Barzilay AI Faculty Lead
Dimitris Bertsimas Entrepreneurship Faculty Lead
Marzyeh Ghassemi Principal Investigator
Ashia Wilson Principal Investigator
Headshot of Adam Yala
Adam Yala Research Affiliate
Peter Mikhael Research Affiliate
Shrooq Alsenan Research Affiliate
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Vinith Suriyakumar Wellcome Trust Fellow
Nacer Mami Regional Lead Clinical Network Coordination
Jacob Silterra Machine Learning Engineer
Jeremy Wohlwend Abdul Latif Jameel Fellow ’21
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